May 28Liked by Charlotte Du Cann

"The future, you realise, is never singular. It is an ensemble work." - this one is ringing in my ears

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Charlotte, I did a quick google for the gridbusters! game and could not find it. Wondered if you had a reference for it I could follow? (Also I'm putting your work - the metaphysical postures you bring - with Bonnitta Roy's work at her Pop up School - and finding fruitful links and resonances. My dream is to bring more of these postures and gestures and rituals into the world, into the real. Right now I'm working on ways to get energy behind growing "perception playgrounds" - a kind of ontological design where the world helps us practice these senseful, sensual, synaesthetic ways of attending. Seems to be an important key to becoming more human in the age of the machine. )

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Thanks Claudia. We created gridbusters! before we used the Internet, so there is nothing online about it specifically, except for this post. Its speaking structure however became integral to most of our teaching work which you can find on the Dark Mountain Project site (https://dark-mountain.net/events/) and also my own website: https://charlotteducann.net/articles/teaching. All best wishes, Charlotte

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I was reading this and my sister-in-law looked over my shoulder at the figure. "What's that?" she said, "It looks Mayan." "I don't know yet," I said. I am still trying to understand it.

For me, this was almost like reading a text from another culture, one as distant as the Mayan. Your loss of Mark must have dimensions that aren't at all obvious to those of us whose relationships don't carry so much culture.

But I think I would be able to understand this a lot better if I had done the practice, and understand the practice better for reading this.

But it's sad that it can't just be written down and transmitted perfectly that way

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In managing a chronic illness of the gut - I'm very enthralled to trace along your labyrinthian work... (as I'm sure you know, the digestive track is akin to a Labyrinth). Relating my managing, to meandering, to revelation within the twisted construction of my inflamed, inner world.

And what you state - the first step 'to encounter', and amidst that relation now... even if not in the classic sense - brings to question (noticing now the word 'quest'...), what it means to 'Be the Encounter' of the world around me, by transition to the daily actions for my health and wellness.

I think - "What would it mean to be centered in an 'other' form - One where my Healing is bound to instinct?" and reviewing now - instinct as - 'a response to our own time, and our own place'. Yet, to take that response from a space of slowness... as slow as the growth of your aforementioned Peyote, to let blossom into the innermost senses - ready to bloom into it's own Transformative Psychedelia from within...

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