Sep 12Liked by Charlotte Du Cann

A magical essay. Delighted to discover you. Excited to read more of you writing.

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Sep 10Liked by Charlotte Du Cann

It’s so helpful to hear this backstory to the Minatour and Labyrinth, Charlotte.

Dartington 2023 was a big experience for me and, with hindsight, I can see how that week gave new energy to changes that I was moving through.

The session with Mark did open a door for me and, since then, my path has opened up in so many unexpected ways.

Organising the whole week around the Minotaur and Labyrinth created a fascinating world.

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Enlightening as it is Unraveling! The absinthe mythos bleeds throughout your prose here! That loss in the stillness- I see as a grander creation than any other I imagined before.... as to story : Healing chronic illness - IBD (Colitis) in June I had to 'exit life' for a month of recovery from a severe flare up. This period, I truly faced the returning stillness required by my Fate-Will - as I lay, staring at the ceiling , staring at the dark-closed-eyes - it was all I was for days and hours on end... yet, that labyrinthine depth (with surface body)- as I returned to the navigated world again - I know I was reworked in a way that 'I could not see' - albiet, with what was very real 'by me, of me, for me'. It was subtle. A suckle at the blight of more loss - to replace the whole essence over again...

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